Now is our time, our moment, our opportunity to transform the way we prepare young Americans for self-governance to sustain our constitutional democracy.
We can only achieve the ambitions of Educating for American Democracy if we do it together. We need clear and positive voices for history and civics in all communities and across all personal and professional roles.
Below you will find a series of briefs that outline action steps for various stakeholder groups, from students, parents, and teachers to district administrators, policymakers, curriculum providers, and more! Each of these stakeholder groups plays an important role in the EAD implementation framework, and no matter which group or groups suits you best–you are an essential leading voice.
The original motto of the United States is e pluribus unum – out of many, one. We need many people to participate at this challenging time in building a new foundation for excellence in history and civics. We invite you to join in.