The curated resources linked below are an initial sample of the resources coming from a collaborative and rigorous review process with the EAD Content Curation Task Force.
The Rhode Island Historical Society, in partnership with the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society and the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, was awarded a grant from the National Park Service* for a multi-phase project on African Americans’ Struggle for Civil Rights in Rhode Island: The 20th Century. The project consisted of conducting archival research, collecting oral histories, and documenting places of significance to civil rights in Rhode Island over the course of three years, 2017-2020. Public exhibits and school unit plans were also created thanks to this grant.
The Roadmap
The Rhode Island Historical Society
60-Second Civics is a daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history. The podcast explores themes related to civics and government, the constitutional issues behind the headlines, and the people and ideas that formed our nation’s history and government. The daily podcast is accompanied by a quiz question.

The Roadmap
Center for Civic Education

Students are introduced to the 9/11 attacks and learn that the nation’s response created tension between the need for security and America’s tradition of liberty. They are then introduced to the Declaration of Independence and Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and learn that these documents describe fundamental values and principles that characterize the American political culture.

The Roadmap
Center for Civic Education

This learning resource looks at the impact of Japanese-American internment camps following the Pearl Harbor attacks. Students will engage with accounts from families impacted by these injustices and how past xenophobic actions manifest today with the rise of anti-Asian hate across the globe. Students will look at the location of these camps and the legacy these places still hold today.
New American History

The War of 1812 is often referred to our country’s second war of independence. As a young nation, the United States' economy, territory, and rights of individual citizens were again threatened by the British. A Sailor’s Life for Me! presents life at sea during the War of 1812 for those serving aboard USS Constitution, one of the few naval vessels in America’s young navy, and now a national symbol, through interactive games, primary sources, and Museum resources.

The Roadmap
USS Constitution Museum

Inspired by Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm’s famous words and life story, the Seat at the Table Project is a collaborative civic art and education project that encourages students to reflect on their own civics identity and agency as they consider bringing their own seat to the table of civic life. The lesson plan, resources, and companion digital exhibit guide teachers and student through participating the project.

The Roadmap
The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate

Inspired by Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm’s famous words and life story, the Seat at the Table Project is a collaborative civic art and education project that encourages students to reflect on their own civics identity and agency as they consider bringing their own seat to the table of civic life. The lesson plan, resources, and companion digital exhibit guide teachers and student through participating the project.

The Roadmap
The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate

This lesson helps dispel prevailing stereotypes and generalizing cultural representations of American Indians by providing culturally-specific information about the contemporary as well as historical cultures of distinct tribes and communities within the United States.

The Roadmap
National Endowment for the Humanities

These lessons supplement to the Civil Rights history already being taught in classrooms with a focus is on local events and people. Many lessons reference time periods earlier than the 1960s, while also drawing connections from those events up to today.
The Roadmap
The Rhode Island Historical Society
This unit plan invites students to learn about the Civil Rights movement in Rhode Island while thinking more broadly about how conceptions of race and ethnicity change over time.
The Roadmap
The Rhode Island Historical Society
Students will learn about Dr. Halle Tanner Dillon Johnson through viewing primary sources and participating in reading and visual arts activities while working collaboratively. Students will be required to showcase their learning through a pictorial representation of Dr. Halle Tanner Dillon Johnson.

The Roadmap
Alabama Department of Archives and History

Introducing kindergarteners to their new classroom community

The Roadmap
Inquiring Minds Institute